Customs clearance and regulatory support

Customs clearance

Our team of professionals has extensive industry background and over 10 years experience in providing customs clearance and certification and includes: import-export coordinators, customs applicants, customs brokers, certification specialists and regulatory specialists.

We have imported possibly all types of materials and equipment for clinical trials in Russia: non-registered and registered drugs and medical products, drugs for named patient programs, laboratory kits, biological samples, reagents, medical and electronic equipment, consumables, printed materials and audiovisual products, packaging for transportation in all temperature ranges, promotional materials and patient appreciation items; return exports of used, unused and partially used IMP and equipment.

  • Effective and professional communication with any supplier.
  • Analysis, support and maintenance of your supply chain.
  • Negotiation, review and correction of accompanying documents for each shipment.
  • In-house translations of accompanying documents.
  • Customs clearance by licensed customs broker.
  • Full electronic declaration process via Centre for Electronic Declaration to reach any customs terminal in the country.

 Regulatory support

  • Import and Export licenses for medications and biological samples.
  • Obtainment of Certificates of Compliance and Declarations of Conformity.
  • Certification of equipment (batches of equipment) without Registration Certificates of MoH for Clinical Trials Use only.
  • Obtainment of test records and expert reports.
  • Registration of notifications at Federal Security Service.


You can easily track the status of your shipment and review additional information on each task at any time using our online database.  

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